Pipelines to do MinION sequencing of Zika virus
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#Overview We want to find out what issues may be causing inconsistency in the basecalling and demultiplexing of our 1d and 2d reads, and we seek the best pipeline for getting the maximum number of good quality reads from both 1d and 2d libraries. In particular, we believe that Albacore results in lower quality basecalling on 2d libraries than on 1d libraries, which seems to cause large differences when we try to demultiplex.

During this, we find that there are huge differences in the quality of fasta generation when using nanopolish extract vs poretools fasta.

Metrichor vs Albacore basecalling and demux

To test the differences in basecall/demux, we wanted to test the quality of the native Albacore demultiplexer compared to Porechop (recommended to us by ONT and Zibra) and the Metrichor demuxer. We also want to look at the difference in basecalling between Metrichor CLI (2d reads) and Albacore (1d and 2d reads).

  Basecaller Demuxer Library (dimension)
1 Metrichor Metrichor USVI Library 1 (2D)
2 Metrichor Porechop USVI Library 1 (2D)
3 Albacore Porechop USVI Library 1 (2D)
4 Albacore Albacore USVI Library 1 (2D)
5 Albacore Albacore USVI Library 7 (1D)
6 Albacore Porechop USVI Library 7 (1D)

Metrichor basecalled (and demultiplexed) fast5 files already existed from initial processing of Library 1. Albacore basecalls:

  • read_fast5_basecaller.py -i <INDIR> -t 8 -c <CONFIG> -r -s <OUTDIR> -o fast5 (--barcoding)
    • This writes from the -i directory to the -s directory in OUTDIR/workspace/barcodeXX/ if --barcoding flag is used and OUTDIR/workspace/ if not
    • CONFIG is r94_450bps_linear.cfg for 1d libraries and r94_250bps_2d.cfg for 2d
    • Library 1:
      • INDIR: /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library1-2016-12-10/raw_reads/
      • OUTDIR (barcoding): /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library1-2016-12-10/basecalled_reads/ Note, this directory has been un-demultiplexed since running, so barcodeXX directories no longer exist
      • OUTDIR (no barcoding): /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library1-2016-12-10/test/
    • Library 7:
      • INDIR: /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library7-1d-2017-03-24/raw_reads/
      • OUTDIR (barcoding): /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library7-1d-2017-03-24/basecalled_reads/ Note, this directory has been un-demultiplexed since running, so barcodeXX directories no longer exist
      • OUTDIR (no barcoding): /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library7-1d-2017-03-24/test/

Library 1 (2D) – Metrichor basecall

Metrichor demux

barcode01: 24415
barcode02: 21219
barcode03: 8897
barcode04: 31576
barcode05: 33059
barcode06: 215
barcode07: 19349
barcode08: 16519
barcode09: 12041
barcode10: 18536
barcode11: 25150
barcode12: 100
fail: 419911

This is 211076 classified out of 630987 total or 33% classified.

Porechop demux

Barcode  Reads   Bases       File           
NB01     17,531   7,658,568  ./NB01.fasta.gz
NB02     16,992   7,170,800  ./NB02.fasta.gz
NB03      6,022   2,540,559  ./NB03.fasta.gz
NB04     20,506   8,835,581  ./NB04.fasta.gz
NB05     26,015  11,437,361  ./NB05.fasta.gz
NB07     12,409   5,459,126  ./NB07.fasta.gz
NB08     11,551   5,023,361  ./NB08.fasta.gz
NB09      8,308   3,679,595  ./NB09.fasta.gz
NB10     12,316   5,428,981  ./NB10.fasta.gz
NB11     16,781   7,338,385  ./NB11.fasta.gz
NB12          1          35  ./NB12.fasta.gz
none     91,818  40,682,531  ./none.fasta.gz

This is 148432 classified out of 630987 total or 24% classified.

Library 1 (2D) – Albacore basecall

Albacore demux

barcode01: 440
barcode02: 399
barcode03: 183
barcode04: 491
barcode05: 578
barcode06: 17
barcode07: 434
barcode08: 387
barcode09: 268
barcode10: 392
barcode11: 600
barcode12: 4
unclassified: 606755

This is 4193 classified out of 610948 total or 0.7% classified.

Porechop demux

Barcode  Reads   Bases      File           
NB01        102     44,556  ./NB01.fasta.gz
NB02         97     40,426  ./NB02.fasta.gz
NB03         39     16,593  ./NB03.fasta.gz
NB04         79     35,008  ./NB04.fasta.gz
NB05        134     59,450  ./NB05.fasta.gz
NB06          5        701  ./NB06.fasta.gz
NB07         78     35,250  ./NB07.fasta.gz
NB08        101     43,031  ./NB08.fasta.gz
NB09         69     30,320  ./NB09.fasta.gz
NB10         81     36,436  ./NB10.fasta.gz
NB11        128     56,433  ./NB11.fasta.gz
none     15,592  5,208,138  ./none.fasta.gz

This is 913 classified out of 610948 total or 0.1% classified.

Porechop demux – Alba 1.2.1

Barcode  Reads    Bases        File           
NB01      90,709   45,285,862  ./NB01.fasta.gz
NB02      74,934   36,026,773  ./NB02.fasta.gz
NB03      31,151   14,969,214  ./NB03.fasta.gz
NB04     118,013   57,559,436  ./NB04.fasta.gz
NB05     118,381   61,031,544  ./NB05.fasta.gz
NB06         821      245,996  ./NB06.fasta.gz
NB07      73,477   37,587,302  ./NB07.fasta.gz
NB08      56,900   27,756,199  ./NB08.fasta.gz
NB09      41,428   20,822,908  ./NB09.fasta.gz
NB10      67,290   33,201,724  ./NB10.fasta.gz
NB11      94,667   46,163,231  ./NB11.fasta.gz
NB12         267      129,935  ./NB12.fasta.gz
none     294,522  258,037,455  ./none.fasta.gz

Library 7 (1D)

Albacore demux

barcode01: 325651
barcode02: 334437
barcode03: 344680
barcode04: 351069
barcode05: 422758
barcode06: 2934
barcode07: 281634
barcode08: 277140
barcode09: 358521
barcode10: 14
barcode11: 359125
barcode12: 360467
unclassified: 1762939

This is 3418430 classified out of 5181369 total or 66% classified.

Porechop demux


This is 3094693 out of 5181369 total or 59% classified.

###Porechop demux – divided


This is 3308633 out of 5181369 or 64% classified.

Nanopolish vs Poretools

We also wanted to test the quality of fasta extraction by Nanopolish and Poretools. For this, we took 1000 fast5 subsets of Libraries 1 and 7, and ran either nanopolish extract or poretools fasta to make four FASTAs, then counted the number of reads represented in the FASTA using grep -c '>' <FASTA>. Those read counts were:

  Library 1 Library 7
Nanopolish 26 997
Poretools 1,045 1,026

Both sets generated using Albacore -> fast5 files detailed above

  • 1d: /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library7-1d-2017-03-24/test/workspace/demux/poretools_test
  • 2d: /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library1-2016-12-10/test/demux/poretools_test

Albacore 1.2.1 test (22 June 2017)

Got Albacore 1.2.1 installed on Rhino, testing on library1 to see if it basecalls 2d reads better:

sbatch --time=48:00:00 --mem=20000 --mail-type=END,FAIL --mail-user=bpotter@fhcrc.org --wrap="read_fast5_basecaller.py -i /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library1-2016-12-10/raw_reads/ -t 8 --config r94_250bps_nsk007_2d.cfg -r -s /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library1-2016-12-10/test2/ -o fast5"
Submitted batch job 52158518

This seemed to work really well, and gave us better output than with Metrichor, moving forward running on libraries 3, 4, 5, and 6.

bpotter@rhino3:/fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq$ sbatch --time=48:00:00 --mem=20000 --mail-type=END,FAIL --mail-user=bpotter@fhcrc.org --wrap="read_fast5_basecaller.py -i /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library3-2017-02-02/raw_reads/ -t 8 --config r94_250bps_nsk007_2d.cfg -r -s /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library3-2017-02-02/alba121/ -o fast5"
Submitted batch job 52549825
bpotter@rhino3:/fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq$ sbatch --time=48:00:00 --mem=20000 --mail-type=END,FAIL --mail-user=bpotter@fhcrc.org --wrap="read_fast5_basecaller.py -i /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library4-2017-03-03/raw_reads/ -t 8 --config r94_250bps_nsk007_2d.cfg -r -s /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library4-2017-03-03/alba121/ -o fast5"
Submitted batch job 52549827
bpotter@rhino3:/fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq$ sbatch --time=48:00:00 --mem=20000 --mail-type=END,FAIL --mail-user=bpotter@fhcrc.org --wrap="read_fast5_basecaller.py -i /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library5-2017-03-14/raw_reads/ -t 8 --config r94_250bps_nsk007_2d.cfg -r -s /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library5-2017-03-14/alba121/ -o fast5"
Submitted batch job 52549874
bpotter@rhino3:/fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq$ sbatch --time=48:00:00 --mem=20000 --mail-type=END,FAIL --mail-user=bpotter@fhcrc.org --wrap="read_fast5_basecaller.py -i /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library6-2017-03-22/raw_reads/ -t 8 --config r94_250bps_nsk007_2d.cfg -r -s /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/usvi-library6-2017-03-22/alba121/ -o fast5"
Submitted batch job 52549875

Last 3 of the above 4 commands failed because the raw reads were zipped. Unzipping and I will try again.