MinION pipeline
Data sync
Primary sequencing data lives on the Rhino FHCRC cluster at:
And locally on the Meristem drive at:
To sync Meristem to Rhino, run:
rsync -azP <username> /Volumes/Meristem/data/
Replacing <username>
with your username. This data/
directory is assumed to follow a particular schema.
Basecalling reads
Reads are basecalled using a command-line interface version of Metrichor (available upon request from ONT).
We’ve encountered issues with function recursion that causes nodejs to throw this error: maximum call stack size exceeded
. We get around this by increasing the stack size for node. Note that -w specifies the workflow ID, here 1289 is the numeric code for 2D basecalling with barcoding for FLO-MIN106.
node --stack-size=65500 ./metrichor-cli -a <APIkey> -w 1289 -f - -i <path/to/raw_reads/> -o <path/to/basecalled_reads>
Bioinformatic pipeline
Here, we use the ZiBRA project bioinformatic pipeline at zibraproject/zika-pipeline. This pipeline is instantiated in the Docker image zibra/zibra. Data processing is done entirely using Docker.
Data volume
Create a named data volume that mirrors local data/
to data/
within container:
docker create --name zibra-data -v /Volumes/Meristem/data:/data zibra/zibra
This is to get data into the Docker container. Note that the path to local directory has to be an absolute path. Notes on data schema are here.
Samples volume
Create a named data volume that mirrors local sample metadata samples/
to samples/
within container:
docker create --name zibra-samples -v /Volumes/Meristem/samples:/samples zibra/zibra
This is to get sample metadata into the Docker container. Note that the path to local directory has to be an absolute path. Notes on metadata schema are here.
Build volume
Create a named data volume that mirrors local build/
to build/
within container:
docker create --name zibra-build -v /Volumes/Meristem/build:/build zibra/zibra
This is to get data out of the Docker container. Note that the path to local directory has to be an absolute path.
Enter docker image:
docker run -t -i --volumes-from zibra-data --volumes-from zibra-samples --volumes-from zibra-build zibra/zibra /bin/bash
Run script:
python scripts/