Pipelines to do MinION sequencing of Zika virus
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Zika-USVI Pipeline

Pipeline for processing raw nanopore-sequenced Zika samples to create consensus genomes. Developed for use on Rhino.


This script constitutes the bulk of the pipeline, generating consensus genomes from demultiplexed FASTAs.


  • --data_dir: Directory containing all libraries and data. Default is /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/data/. Contained in this directory should be demultiplexed FASTAs in the subfolder <run>/alba121/workspace/demux/
  • --samples_dir: Directory containing a runs.tsv file and a samples.tsv file. These files are parsed by pipeline.py to generate metadata for each sample. Default is /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/samples/.
  • --build_dir: Directory into which all intermediary files and output from pipeline.py will be written. Default is /fh/fast/bedford_t/zika-seq/build/.
  • --prefix: String that will be prepended onto all output consensus genome files. Default is ZIKA_USVI.
  • --samples: Names of samples that should be processed. Acceptable samples can be found in <samples_dir>/samples.tsv. Samples should be listed separated by spaces. If excluded from command, all samples listed in samples.tsv will be processed.
  • --dimension: Dimension of the library being processed. Options are 1d or 2d; default is 2d.
  • --run_steps: Numbered steps to run (explained below in more detail):
    1. Construct sample FASTAs
    2. Process sample FASTAs
    3. Gather consensus FASTAs
    4. Generate coverage overlap plots
    5. Calculate per-base error rates

Pipeline overview

Construct sample FASTAs

FASTAs for each sample are constructed by concatenating the two demultiplexed FASTAs that correspond to a given sample. The complete FASTA is written to <build_dir>.

Process sample FASTAs

Take a complete FASTA and construct a consensus genome. This is done by calling the script fasta_to_consensus_<dimension>.sh, which does the following:

  1. Aligns reads with bwa mem.
  2. Trims alignment to primer start sites with align_trim.py.
  3. Normalizes reads to sequencing depth of 500 in order to save time with align_trim.py.
  4. Creates a sorted BAM file with samtools sort and samtools index.
  5. Variant calling using nanopolish variants.
  6. Consensus genome construction with margin_cons.py. Output consensus genomes are written to <build_dir> by sample name.
    Gather consensus FASTAs

    Iterates over all samples in <build_dir> to determine the percent of the genome that was called as ā€˜Nā€™, and joins the consensus FASTAs into one of three files depending on percent N:

    • ZIKA_USVI_good.fasta: Less than 20% N
    • ZIKA_USVI_partial.fasta: Between 20% and 50% N
    • ZIKA_USVI_poor.fasta: Less than 50% N
      Generate coverage overlap plots

      Looks at the BAM files to determine the depth of sequencing at each site along the reference genome. Using this, plots are generated using depth_coverage.R. PNG files for each plot are written to <build_dir>.

    • Note: These plots can be generated without consensus genomes by running depth_process.py before calling depth_coverage.R.
      Calculate per-base error rates

      Walks through VCF files made by nanopolish variants to determine per-base error rates. Currently broken