Pipelines to do MinION sequencing of Zika virus
Source code
Latest commits

Sample metadata

Sample metadata for the Zika pipeline arrives in the samples/ directory. This should be mounted to samples/ in the Docker container.

  • samples/
    • samples.tsv - line list of sample metadata
    • runs.tsv - line list of run metadata


Must be tsv formatted. Keyed off of column headers rather than column order. sample_id is keyed to accession in fauna because these lack Genbank accessions.

sample_id strain collection_date country division location usvi_sample_id seq_platform
VI1 USVI/1/2016 2016-09-28 usvi saint_croix saint_croix 16VI2395U minion


Must be tsv formatted. Keyed off of column headers rather than column order.

run_name barcode_id sample_id primer_scheme
usvi-library1-2016-12-10 NB01 VI1 v2_500.amplicons.ver2