Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center / Howard Hughes Medical Institute
8 Oct 2024
KITP Workshop on Interactions and Co-evolution between Viruses and Immune Systems
University of California Santa Barbara
Slides at:
ONS Infection Survey provides rare source of ground truth, roughly 1 in 3 infections detected in 2021, while 1 in 40 in 2023
~110% population attack rate from March 2022 to March 2023
Post-Omicron period shows consistent IFR of 0.04%
Future frequency $x_i(t+\Delta t)$ of strain $i$ derives from strain fitness $f_i$ and present day frequency $x_i(t)$, such that
$$x_i(t+\Delta t) = \frac{1}{Z(t)} \, x_i(t) \, \mathrm{exp}(f_i \, \Delta t)$$
Strain frequencies at each timepoint are normalized by total frequency $Z(t)$. Strain fitness $f_i$ is estimated from viral attributes (primarily number of epitope and non-epitope mutations).
$x' = \frac{x \, (1+s)}{x \, (1+s) + (1-x)}$ for frequency $x$ over one generation with selective advantage $s$
$x(t) = \frac{x_0 \, (1+s)^t}{x_0 \, (1+s)^t + (1-x_0)}$ for initial frequency $x_0$ over $t$ generations
Trajectories are linear once logit transformed via $\mathrm{log}(\frac{x}{1 - x})$
Multinomial logistic regression across $n$ variants models the probability of a virus sampled at time $t$ belonging to variant $i$ as
$$\mathrm{Pr}(X = i) = x_i(t) = \frac{p_i \, \mathrm{exp}(f_i \, t)}{\sum_{1 \le j \le n} p_j \, \mathrm{exp}(f_j \, t) }$$
with $2n$ parameters consisting of $p_i$ the frequency of variant $i$ at initial timepoint and $f_i$ the growth rate or fitness of variant $i$.
location variant date sequences Japan 22B 2023-02-10 242 Japan 22B 2023-02-11 56 Japan 22B 2023-02-12 70 Japan 22E 2023-02-10 80 Japan 22E 2023-02-11 21 Japan 22E 2023-02-12 27 USA 22B 2023-02-10 41 USA 22B 2023-02-11 23 USA 22B 2023-02-12 23 USA 22E 2023-02-10 368 USA 22E 2023-02-11 236 USA 22E 2023-02-12 246 ...
Constant clade fitness within each window, USA data only, ignoring within-clade fitness variation
Line thickness is proportional to variant frequency
Retrospective projections twice monthly during 2022
30 days out, countries range from 5 to 15% mean absolute error
Correlates with data availability (median number of sequences available from the previous 30 days):
This approach improves poor model accuracy in countries with less intensive genomic surveillance
Rapid sweep of JN.1 over Dec to Jan 2024
Rather than estimate variant specific fitness $f_i$ directly, we instead parameterize as the "innovation" in fitness in going from parent lineage $p$ to child lineage $i$ as $\psi_i = (f_i - f_p)$.
We then compare a non-informative model of $$\psi_i = (f_i - f_p) \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, \sigma)$$ to a model where each "innovation" value has an informed prior based on a linear combination of predictors such as ACE2 binding, immune escape and S1 mutations, where $z_k$ represents the value of predictor $k$ $$\psi_i = (f_i - f_p) \sim \mathrm{Normal}\left(\sum_k \beta_k \, z_k, \sigma\right)$$
SARS-CoV-2 genomic epi: Data producers from all over the world, GISAID
Nextstrain: Richard Neher, Ivan Aksamentov, John SJ Anderson, Kim Andrews, Jennifer Chang, James Hadfield, Emma Hodcroft, John Huddleston, Jover Lee, Victor Lin, Cornelius Roemer, Thomas Sibley
Adaptive evolution across human endemic viruses: Katie Kistler
MLR and evolutionary forecasting: Marlin Figgins, Eslam Abousamra, Jover Lee, James Hadfield, John Huddleston, Jesse Bloom, Cornelius Roemer, Richard Neher
Bedford Lab:
John Huddleston,  
James Hadfield,  
Katie Kistler,  
Thomas Sibley,  
Jover Lee,  
Miguel Paredes,  
Marlin Figgins,  
Victor Lin,  
Jennifer Chang,  
Nashwa Ahmed,  
Cécile Tran Kiem,  
Kim Andrews,  
Cristian Ovaduic,  
Philippa Steinberg,  
Jacob Dodds,  
John SJ Anderson  
Amin Bemanian