Trevor Bedford (@trvrb)
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center / Howard Hughes Medical Institute
23 May 2022
Science for Resilience - Learnings from the Pandemic
Institute for Advanced Studies
Slides at:
1, 2 and 3 suggest a virus that circulates at higher levels than flu, but individual infections aren't much more severe in terms of mortality than H3N2 influenza.
Seasonality suggests winter "COVID season", but Omicron-like events could overcome seasonality.
SARS-CoV-2 genomic epi: Data producers from all over the world, GISAID and the Nextstrain team
Bedford Lab:
John Huddleston,  
James Hadfield,  
Katie Kistler,  
Louise Moncla,  
Maya Lewinsohn,  
Thomas Sibley,  
Jover Lee,  
Cassia Wagner,  
Miguel Paredes,  
Nicola Müller,  
Marlin Figgins,  
Denisse Sequeira,  
Victor Lin,  
Jennifer Chang