Over 10M SARS-CoV-2 genomes shared to GISAID and evolution tracked in real-time at nextstrain.org
Richard Neher,  
Emma Hodcroft,  
James Hadfield,  
Thomas Sibley,  
John Huddleston,  
Ivan Aksamentov,  
Moira Zuber,  
Jover Lee,  
Cassia Wagner,  
Denisse Sequeira,  
Cornelius Roemer,  
Victor Lin,  
Jennifer Chang
Three key insights that genomic epi provided during pandemic
Rapid human-to-human spread in Wuhan beyond initial market outbreak
Extensive local transmission while testing was rare
Identification of variants of concern and mapping of increased transmission
Jan 11: First five genomes from Wuhan showed a novel SARS-like coronavirus
Sequences generated and shared at an unprecedented pace with >1M genomes shared in Mar 2022 alone
Data from gisaid.org
My favorite metric is number of sequences available from samples collected in the past 30 days
Data from gisaid.org
US, UK and Europe all have stunning genomic surveillance programs
Data from gisaid.org
Africa and South America have picked up dramatically but there are still geographic gaps
Data from gisaid.org
Global genomic surveillance aimed at rapid turnaround times important to catch new variants early, additional
sequences from Africa or South Amerca would be far more valuable than additional sequences from the US or Europe
In depth genomic surveillance tied to data systems allows investigation of variant severity, secondary attack rate, etc...
Future perspectives
Response to the pandemic has spurred sequencing capacity across the world. This
sequencing capacity should shift to non-SARS-CoV-2 pathogens of local public health concern as acute impacts of pandemic dissipate.
SARS-CoV-2 genomic epi: Data producers from all over the world, GISAID and the Nextstrain team
Bedford Lab:
John Huddleston,  
James Hadfield,  
Katie Kistler,  
Louise Moncla,  
Maya Lewinsohn,  
Thomas Sibley,  
Jover Lee,  
Cassia Wagner,  
Miguel Paredes,  
Nicola Müller,  
Marlin Figgins,  
Denisse Sequeira,  
Victor Lin,  
Jennifer Chang