Real-time forecasting of influenza virus evolution
Trevor Bedford (@trvrb)
16 Jan 2018
CREST International Symposium on Big Data Applications
Tokyo, Japan
Want to forecast the make up of the future flu population from the population that exists today
Population turnover (in H3N2) is extremely rapid
Clades emerge, die out and take over
Clades show rapid turnover
Dynamics driven by antigenic drift
Drift variants emerge and rapidly take over in the virus population
Drift necessitates vaccine updates
H3N2 vaccine updates occur every ~2 years
Timely surveillance and rapid analysis essential to vaccine strain selection
Project to provide a real-time view of the evolving influenza population
Project to provide a real-time view of the evolving influenza population
All in collaboration with Richard Neher
- Download all recent HA sequences from GISAID
- Filter to remove outliers
- Subsample across time and space
- Align sequences
- Build tree
- Estimate clade frequencies
- Infer antigenic phenotypes
- Export for visualization
Up-to-date analysis publicly available at:
Influenza hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay
HI measures cross-reactivity across viruses
Data in the form of table of maximum inhibitory titers
Antigenic cartography compresses HI measurements into an interpretable diagram
Instead of a geometric model, we sought a phylogenetic model of HI titer data
Identify phylogeny branches associated with drops in HI titer
Model can be used to interpolate across tree and predict phenotype of untested viruses
Model is highly predictive of missing titer values
Incorporate HI data from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
"The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed yet"
— William Gibson
USA music industry, 2011 dollars per capita
Influenza population turnover
Vaccine strain selection timeline
Seek to explain change in clade frequencies over 1 year
Fitness models can project clade frequencies
Clade frequencies $X$ derive from the fitnesses $f$ and frequencies $x$ of constituent viruses, such that
$$\hat{X}_v(t+\Delta t) = \sum_{i:v} x_i(t) \, \mathrm{exp}(f_i \, \Delta t)$$
This captures clonal interference between competing lineages
The question of forecasting becomes: how do we accurately estimate fitnesses of circulating viruses?
Fortunately, there's lots of training data and previously successful strains have had:
- Amino acid changes at epitope sites
- Antigenic novelty based on HI
- Rapid phylogenetic growth
Predictor: calculate HI drop from ancestor,
drifted clades have high fitness
Predictor: project frequencies forward,
growing clades have high fitness
We predict fitness based on a simple formula
where the fitness $f$ of virus $i$ is estimated as
$$\hat{f}_i = \beta^\mathrm{HI} \, f_i^\mathrm{HI} + \beta^\mathrm{freq} \, f_i^\mathrm{freq}$$
where $f_i^\mathrm{HI}$ measures antigenic drift via HI and $f_i^\mathrm{freq}$ measures clade growth/decline
We learn coefficients and validate model based on previous 15 H3N2 seasons
Clade growth rate is well predicted (ρ = 0.66)
Growth vs decline correct in 84% of cases
Trajectories show more detailed congruence
Trajectories show more detailed congruence
When does the forecast fail?
Emerging clades are difficult to forecast: little antigenic data and little evidence of "past performance"
Models work well for clades at >10%, but less well for clades <5%
New mutations difficult
Models can project forward from circulating strains, but cannot foresee the appearance of new mutations
Intrinsically limits the timescale of forecasting to ~1 year
Model is only as good as the data
Requires rapid shipping of samples, rapid sequencing and rapid antigenic characterization
Further improvements to predictive modeling
- Extend to other seasonal viruses
- Forecast NA evolution
- Integrate neutralization (FRA) assay data
- Model effects of egg adaptation
- Incorporate an explicit geographic model
Real-time analyses are actionable and may inform influenza vaccine strain selection
More generally real-time analyses may be useful for other viruses
Zika's arrival and spread in the Americas
Establishment and cryptic transmission of Zika virus in Brazil and the Americas
with Nuno Faria, Nick Loman, Oli Pybus, Luiz Alcantara, Ester Sabino, Josh Quick,
Alli Black,
Ingra Morales, Julien Thézé, Marcio Nunes, Jacqueline de Jesus,
Marta Giovanetti, Moritz Kraemer, Sarah Hill and many others
Road trip through northeast Brazil to collect samples and sequence
Case reports and diagnostics suggest initiation in northeast Brazil
Phylogeny infers an origin in northeast Brazil
Important analyses, let's make them more rapid and more automated
Rapid on-the-ground sequencing by Ian Goodfellow, Matt Cotten and colleagues
Build out pipelines for different pathogens,
improve databasing and lower
bioinformatics bar
Bedford Lab:
Alli Black,
Sidney Bell,
Gytis Dudas,
John Huddleston,
Barney Potter,
James Hadfield,
Louise Moncla
Influenza: WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network, GISAID, Richard Neher,
Colin Russell, Andrew Rambaut, Dave Wentworth, Becky Garten, Marta Łuksza,
Michael Lässig
Zika: Nick Loman, Nuno Faria, Oli Pybus, Josh Quick, Kristian Andersen,
Nathan Grubaugh, Jason Ladner, Gustavo Palacios, Sharon Isern, Gytis Dudas, Alli Black,
Barney Potter, Esther Ellis, Louise Moncla, Diana Rojas
Nextstrain: Richard Neher, James Hadfield, Colin Megill, Sidney Bell,
Charlton Callender, Barney Potter, John Huddleston, Emma Hodcroft